Kanthaloor -- a village in Idukki district.

It is 7,000 feet above sea level.

Like any other village, it is green and lush.

A two hour bus journey will take you to Kanthaloor.
I call it the sweetest place in the country-- They make the best Jaggery here.

Jaggery is made out of sugar cane.

Which grows in abundance in Kanthaloor.

Kanthaloor also has a beautiful climate.
Wow! Never knew idukki could be this beautiful! lovely pictures..
Well, you just explained to us the sweet tale of the jaggery business :) Your pictures are surely a true insight of what one can see there... and the black and white way of doing it, just adds the required effect. All the best, Aji. Good talent on display :)
Great shots....which place is it?
Nice Pics Bozz
- faisal moh'd
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